Prof. Dr. Siret Ratip
1. Psychosocial and clinical aspects of thalassaemia intermedia and its implications for prenatal diagnosis
Ratip S, Skuse D, Porter J, Wonke B, Yardumian A, Modell B. Archives of Disease in Childhood 1995, 72: 408-412
2. Psychosocial and sociological aspects of the thalassaemias
Ratip S, Modell B. Seminars in Haematology 1996, 33: 53-65
3. Relationship between the severity of beta thalassaemia syndromes and the number of alleviating mutations
Ratip S, Petrou M, Old JM, Wonke B, Porter J, Modell B. European Journal of Haematology 1997, 58: 14-21
4. The psychosocial burden of Cooley''s anemia in affected children and their parents.
Klein S, Sen A, Rusby J, Ratip S, Modell B, Olivieri NF. Annals of New York Academy of Sciences 1998, 850: 512-513.
5. The frequency of tuberculosis in adult allogeneic stem cell transplant recipients in Turkey.
6. Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation 2000, 6: 370-374 8).
Budak-Alpdoğan T, Tangün Y, Kalayoğlu-Beşışık S, Ratip S, Akan H, Başlar Z, Soysal T, Bayık M, Koç H.
7. Double G0/G1 peak in the DNA histogram of aberrant marker positive acute leukemia patients is associated with a poor clinical outcome.
Ekşioğlu-Demiralp E, Budak-Alpdoğan T, Alpdoğan Ö, Atalay A, Ratip S, Öz D, Bayık M, Akoğlu T. Leukemia and Lymphoma 1999, 33: 567-572.
8. Role of hepatocyte growth factor in the development of dendritic cells from CD34+ bone marrow cells.
Ovalı E, Ratip S, Kibaroğlu A, Tekelioğlu Y, Çetiner M, Kartı S, Aydın F, Bayık M, Akoğlu T. Haematologica 2000, 85: 457-462.
9. Scleredema of Buschke associated with Waldenström?s macroglobulinaemia.
Ratip S, Akın H, Özdemirli M, Yücelten D, Kuş S, Ekenel M, Bayık M. British Journal of Dermatology 2000, 143: 450-452.
10. Efficacy of high dose methylprednisolone as a first line therapy in adult patients with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura.
British Journal of Haematology 1998, 103: 1061-1063. Alpdoğan Ö, Budak-Alpdoğan T, Ratip S, Fıratlı-Tuğlular T, Tanrıverdi S, Kartı S, Bayık M, Akoğlu T.